Then press Ctrl + Shift + 9 keyboard combination to unhide all rows, or press Ctrl + Shift + 0 to show all hidden columns. If you want to unhide all rows or columns on a sheet, make sure the whole worksheet is selected. Part 3: Quickly Unhide All Hidden Rows or Columns Right-click the selected column headers and pick Unhide. Question: How do I unhide column A in a sheet in Microsoft Excel 2016 Answer: As you can see, the first column (ie: column A) is hidden in the spreadsheet. To unhide a column, select the columns before and after the hidden columns. Then, right-click on the selection and click Unhide from the popup menu. Since row 3 is hidden, we want to select rows 2 to 4. To unhide a row, just select the row above and the row below the hidden row. Part 2: Unhide a Whole Row or Column in Excel 2016 But you’ll see double lines at column or row headers, which indicates a column or row is hidden. The selected row or column will be hidden from view straight away.Right-click the selected row or column, and then click the Hide option.If you wish to hide an entire column, click the column letter to select it. Select the whole row you want to hide by clicking the row number.Part 1: Hide a Whole Row or Column in Excel 2016 Hide the columns: select them, right-click and pick the Hide option from the pop-up menu. When you see the Format Cells window, navigate to the Protection tab and tick the Locked checkbox. How can I hide a full column in Excel worksheet without deleting it? If you don’t want others to see a specific row or avoid printing a certain column, you can hide the entire row or column in Excel 2016. Click on one of the highlighted columns and select the Format Cells option again.